Unexpected fines in holiday destinations

Among the excitement of being on holiday it’s so easy to forget that different destinations have different laws that we need to abide by. Either that, or you may not even know that such rules exist!

So, what exactly are the local laws? Well they vary from country to country but to give you a local law example it could be anything from taking your shirt off to drinking in the street. A number of our holiday hotspots have strict rules in place and when they’re broken, they can end up making a huge dent in your bank balance.

To help you brush up on your legal knowledge, we’ve put together a guide to fines abroad. We get that reading paragraphs around holiday rules and regulations is something that you don’t particularly want to do when you’ve just booked your dream getaway, so we’ve put it into the form of a super quick quiz. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete, yet it could SAVE you hundreds of pounds in the long run!

Take part below and avoid those unexpected holiday fines…



*Please note, there are other laws that apply in our holiday destinations in addition to those mentioned above so we’d always suggest doing some research before travelling to make sure you’re fully aware of the rules.

*Data from GOV.UK and the official tourist websites