Top 10 mind-blowing travel facts

We instinctively understand how holidays can help us relax, recharge, and give us something to look forward to. What we may not be so keenly aware of is how travel can expose us to a world of mind-blowing oddities that challenge our concept of ‘normal’.

Here’s ten crazy travel facts we bet you didn’t know.

1. The world’s shortest commercial flight travels from one Scottish beach to another – Westray to Papa Westray. Depending on the wind direction, the flight takes about one minute – which doesn’t leave much margin for error during inflight drink service.

2. At £50,000 per night, the 18000-square-foot Royal Penthouse Suite at the Hotel President Wilson in Geneva is reported to be the world’s priciest hotel room. Included in the tariff are a private chef, a butler, four bedrooms, various living rooms, and a dining room big enough for 26 people. Unconfirmed is whether you get a late checkout.

3. The population density of Singapore is 7301 people per square kilometre, whereas the population density of Mongolia is 4 people per square kilometre.

4. For commutes under 50 minutes in Tokyo, it’s faster to travel by bike than by car.

5. To get to their room at the Jules’ Undersea Lodge in Florida, one of the original undersea hotels, guests must scuba dive 21 feet beneath the surface of the sea. Not the best time to travel with your most expensive set of luggage.

6. As of September 2013, more than 200,000 people have applied to be among the first colonists on Mars – a mission currently slated for 2018. This despite the fact that the company behind the mission, Mars One, has made it clear that this will strictly be a one-way journey.

7. There are no permanent rivers in Saudi Arabia, Malta, or the Bahamas.

8. The nation of Monaco (2.02 square kilometres) is smaller than Manhattan’s Central Park (3.41 square kilometres).

9. In 1950, 25 million people travelled abroad. In 2012, international tourist arrivals exceeded one billion people.

10. Why does the taste of airline food tend to fall on the bland end of the spectrum? The pressurized atmosphere in the cabin tends to dry out the nose, and then the change in air pressure during ascension numbs about a third of your taste buds. In other words: bon voyage, sense of taste.


If you knew even one of these travel facts then we’re certainly impressed! Maybe one of these facts have given you some inspiration for your next adventure.

To begin your own journey into the strange and wonderful world of mind-blowing travel experiences, take a look at some of the intriguing holiday possibilities at Holiday Hypermarket.